LDK File List

Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
API.h [code]Contains silly windoze stuff like defines and dll import and export support
Atomic.h [code]
ByteOrder.h [code]Contains functions for swapping byte order in various integers
CStringHash.h [code]
Exceptions.h [code]All the LDK exception classes
Hash.h [code]Contains hashers and hash tables. Influenced by hash table code by Per Nilson available at http://www.codeguru.com/Cpp/Cpp/algorithms/hash/
LDK.h [code]Contains the initialisation function and mainpage docs
LocklessQueue.h [code]A threadsafe lockless queue template
Memory.h [code]The "take no prisoners" approach to memory allocation :)
Mutex.h [code]A recursive, single process mutex and helper Lock class
Object.h [code]
PhysFSFile.h [code]VFile class that makes use of Ryan C. Gordon's fantastic physfs library
SIMD.h [code]
Singletons.h [code]Normal and thread-local generic singletons
SmartPointers.h [code]Smart pointers for many needs
SStream.h [code]Contains specialised stringstream classes that uses the LDK allocation system
StdFile.h [code]A VFile that encapsules a standard c FILE*
STLAllocator.h [code]An STL allocator that makes use of the LDK memory system
STLMallocAllocator.h [code]An STL allocator that simply calls malloc
String.h [code]Contains a specialised std::string that uses the LDK allocation system
TemplateMeta.h [code]Template metaprogramming utility routines
Threading.h [code]Basic threading support
ThreadLocalStorage.h [code]Thread local storage
Timing.h [code]Provides the sort of time and scheduling facilities required by interactive music systems and MIDI sequencers. Useful for any time-based application
Types.h [code]Basic integer types
VFile.h [code]The virtual file base class
VFileSystem.h [code]A virtual file system class with per-thread stdio support
XML.h [code]An LDK adapted fork of TinyXml 2.3.4
XMLSerialisation.h [code]

Generated on Fri Aug 17 18:32:28 2007 for LDK by  doxygen 1.5.1